
3rd Junior High School of Rethymno is located in Greece. The school has about 350 students (12- 15 years old ) and employs about 40 teachers. Also there are 7 people, support staff (restaurant, security guard, cleaner) all paid by the state. It is a public school of general education, which after three years in Liceum can lead their students to University. Students take courses in: Literature, Philosophy, History, Sociology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Arts, Technology, Sports, English, French and German.  Our school is very much aware on issues about the environment, sustainability and climate change, so it has participated in many projects, both National and European. The schools also participates in virtual visits- presentations with CERN and ESA.

Our school of course offers asynchronous (Edmondo,Google-Classroom ,e-class) and synchronous (zoom,webex) education to its students, especially in extreme situations (covid-19,

weather) The school has participated in several European programs on alternative sources of energy, space living, robotics and theater. Also it has been developing eTwinning programs for the last three years. We have got National Quality Labels for all of them. Indeed, last year it received the European Quality Label for the project ‘’ Travelling to different biomes’’.

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