
The 1st transnational meeting was held in Denizli, (Turkey) between 2nd-5th August 2021 and served as the project’s kick-off meeting and key event in the Inception period of the. Hence, it placed a strong emphasis on partner introductions and building familiarisation with each other at organisational and personal levels. This brought the understanding of partnership members beyond (i) the initial description of the digital STEM labs themes and issues, (ii) the initial descriptions and materials about each school/each educational system that were circulated during the process of designing the project proposal/preparing Erasmus+ application form as well as (iii) the preparation activities that will occur prior to the commencement of the project’s activities (see section Preparation of this application form for further details). The details of all partners’ expectations as well as the project’s Intellectual outputs, joint training activities, piloting of the framework curriculum within the framework of the blended learning of secondary school students and dissemination will be duly explored and discussed ensuring that a shared and realistic outlook is adopted from the outset. Specific emphasis wasput on the more detailed planning of the joint staff training to be held in Crete (Greece) and Denizli (Turkey).

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