
The Training Module 1- Science in STEM This module was organised and delivered by University of Crete (Greece) between 2nd-5th November 2021.

The participants of the training were:

• the secondary school teachers of general education subjects/educational contents from secondary schools (4 teachers per school): Nezihe Derya Baltali Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi; 3rd Junior High School of Rethymno; Panevėžio Žemynos progimnazija

• staff members of University of Crete, Pamukkale University and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

For more detailed profile of the participants, see sections Project Description/Participants of this application form.

This joint short-term training in duration of 4 days covered the following topics:

• Contemporary approaches to valorisation, interpretation and appropriate presentation of STEM education;

• Creating "Science around us!" lesson plan templates in multinational groups. Why are sciences important in the daily life? Applications of Chemistry, Physics, Biology in real life;

• The overview of the deliverables and relevant recommendations of the projects in the field of STEM education that were/are being implemented at European level under different European union programmes/funds Europe, Erasmus+ KA2): (i) project: "IDENTITIES" Integrate Desciplines to Elaborate Novel Teaching approaches to Interdisciplinarity and Innovate Prospective Teachers Education for STEM challenges; (ii) project: Promoting Social, Emotional, and Learning Skills of Students with and without Special Education Needs by Developing Teachers’ Capabilities in Music, Dance and Digital Competences; (iii) project: "IRRESISTIBLE" Responsible Research and Innovation; (iv) other relevant projects;

• The overview of the deliverables and relevant recommendations of Relevant national projects/subprojects implemented in Greece, presentations in national conferences;

• Relevant elements of the STEM educational contents offered through degrees/programmes of the University of Crete (faculties and other relevant entities/bodies of the Univerity of Crete);

• Study visit of relevant Science Teaching Laboratory in University of Crete and thre will be sessions on researches about the educational use of digital technologies and the integration of the educational innovations of ICT such as dataloggers, virtual & augmented reality and educational robotics in STEM teaching, sessions about the activities of developing teaching materials for science lessons with the use of microcomputers, robotics and virtual reality environments.

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