
Panevezio "Zemynos" progimnazija is located in Panevėžys, in the north of the country. Our school is attended by 629 students from primary and progymnasium aged 6-15 years. One of the

most important missions of the school is to develop the mind of the student in all areas to become a fully responsible adult. It was proposed to provide educational services and qualitybased training, performance, promotion of European values, equality of opportunity for all and open to learning and training at throughout life. We want every student in our school shape and continuously improves its core competencies to continue his studies and for life. Our school is open to students with special needs, in increasing numbers each year. We have 40 classrooms, a computer lab, a library, a director's office and. We also have a swimming pool, where participants of Olympics games are trained and a new football pitch. Our school has 2 digital classrooms equipped with laptop, tablets, smart board and speakers and have robotic classes. We have also an ICT classroom. Students have the opportunity of attending many courses and clubs according to their interest. In addition to it, our students can take courses in any subject they want ranging from English to Science . We also organize festivals every year (Dancing festival ) and swimming competitions every month. Families appreciate our effort which makes us happy. Whereby we set up the communication bridge with parents. Our teachers work for the full development of human personality.We effort to grow up individuals who has tolerance,understanding,respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms among all nations,racial and religious groups. There are swimming, chess, music and football clubs . Our students can choose a robotic club as well. Students of our robotic club take part in various competitions and win prizes. During robotics lessons our students use LEGO Education WeDo2.0 sets. They make robots from lego blocks and programme they in a visual programming language, explaining the functions of blocks so that the robot can perform the required task.

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